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鍗椾含鏄備粊鎴愭暀鑲叉槸涓 瀹堕泦鐢佃剳璁捐 鍩硅 銆佸 鍘嗘暀鑲层 佷細璁 煿璁 佽祫鏍艰 冭瘯鏈嶅姟涓轰富瑕佷笟鍔 殑缁煎悎鎬уぇ鍨嬪煿璁 満鏋勩 傚叿鏈夌嫭绔嬫硶浜鸿祫鏍间笖鎷ユ湁鍥藉 娉ㄥ唽鍟嗘爣鏉冧互鍝佺墝鎴愭槀鏁欒偛瀵瑰 瀹d紶銆傛槸涓 鎵规湁鐫 鏁板崄骞翠紒涓氬疄鎴樼 鐞嗙粡楠屽拰鎺屾彙鍥藉唴鍥藉 鍏堣繘鍩硅 鐞嗗康鍜岀粡楠岀殑绮捐嫳鍒涘姙锛屾垚鏄? 鍦板潃锛氬崡浜 競鐜勬 鍖虹彔姹熻矾88鍙锋柊涓栫晫涓 績88鍙稡搴? 鎴戜滑濮嬬粓绉夋壙鈥滀竴鍒囦互鐢ㄦ埛涓轰腑蹇冣 濈殑鍙戝睍鐞嗗康銆備互浜掕仈缃戜负绾藉甫锛屽府鍔 瘡涓 湁蹇楄 呭疄鐜拌嚜宸辩殑姊 兂锛屽疄鐜颁綘鎴戝叡璧? 娴烽噺鍏ㄧ湡妯 嫙璇曢 鍏ㄩ潰瑕嗙洊鍚勭被鑰冪偣璁板綍姣忔 妯 冭繃绋嬪苟姹囨 婚敊棰樹緵鍙嶅 婕旂粌. 璇剧 瑙嗛 鍏嶈垂涓嬭浇锛岄厤濂楄 绋嬭 涔? 楂樻竻璇剧 鍏嶈垂瑙嗗惉浣撻獙,缃戞牎鍚嶅笀鑰冪偣绮捐 ,鐑 棬璇剧 浼樺厛鍏嶈垂瑙嗗惉鑰冪偣銆? 楂樻竻璇剧 鍏嶈垂瑙嗗惉浣撻獙,缃戞牎鍚嶅笀鑰冪偣绮捐 ,鐑 棬璇剧 浼樺厛鍏嶈垂瑙嗗惉鑰冪偣銆? 05 寮 閫氳 绋? .
Tuesday, September 10, 2013. More Pics from our Boat. Water She told me to take this picture so she could. Love this picture of my little man too! Links to this post. Monday, September 9, 2013.
Not again, Mama! As they well up with tears. It took about 60 seconds for him to make his decision. 8221; You see, we live about 45 minutes to an hour.
Professor Bo Hong from School of Liberal Arts Made an Academic Tour in USA. Professor Sergio Soave was invited to give a two-day academic communication by School of Fine Arts, Printmaking Department. The Opera Qiuzi Made a Success in the First Preview Performance. Hou Ying Dance Theatre Held Modern Dance Show and Academic Activities in School of Dances, NUA. Professor Qian Jianming is invited to perform and teach in USA.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012. It was very quiet at the house while she was at school and I got a lot done. Saylor took a nap and enjoyed being the center of attention. In fact, she laughed at us without even having to tickle her. It was very cute! Yes we are in the car, NO we are not breaking the law! The car was parked and Jeff was in Panera getting tea. Tuesday, August 7, 2012. This is VPK not High School! .